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An LG Smart Hotel TV in action, seamlessly streaming television content through an advanced IPTV network to enhance the in-room experience for hotel guests. The television displays vivid images, showcasing the integration of cutting-edge technology to provide guests with an immersive and personalized entertainment experience.

A Guide to Understanding the Differences Between Consumer IPTV and Hotel IPTV Solutions

26 Dec 2023
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A Guide to Understanding the Differences Between Consumer IPTV and Hotel IPTV Solutions                                   The way individuals consume TV content has changed rapidly over the past decade.  According to Nielsen, streaming services overtook cable TV…

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Are Your Hotel Air Conditioners Up to Par?

28 Mar 2013

Some are calling the year of the “rage against the rodent.” On Groundhog Day, Punxatawney Phil saw his shadow, thus convincing Americans that warmer weather was just six weeks away. But two months later, much of the northern half of the nation is still digging itself out of the snow.…

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Is Your Hotel Spring Break- Ready? MDM Lodging Shares Ideas

05 Mar 2013
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March means the start of the spring break season – one of the busiest for hotels nationwide, but particularly those in sunny, beachside locales. Are you ready for the onslaught of college students ready to have a great time and spend money in your hotel and local shops? MDM Lodging…

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Cash In on Three Hotel Restaurant Trends – MDM Lodging Has the Story

20 Feb 2013
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Baum + Whiteman, a major force in the food world since 1970, is known for creating two of the world’s largest grossing restaurants, more 3-star restaurants than anyone in the United States, and numerous international food, hotel and related concepts. So, when they dole out advice, restaurateurs and hoteliers listen.…

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MDM Lodging Shares Top Oh Dear! Cabinet Must-Haves from A to Z

10 Feb 2013

Travelers can be a harried and forgetful bunch. So, the best hotel concierges keep a fully stocked Oh, Dear! cabinet filled with guests’ most missed items. That way, when your desk clerks get the inevitable call crying, “Oh, dear! I forgot my (fill in the blank), they’re ready to help.…

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What Slow Economy? Why Now is a Great Time to Renovate, MDM Lodging Says

29 Jan 2013
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Among the biggest mistakes a hotelier can make in slow economy is to act like he’s in a slow economy. While competitors are pulling back, your best bet is to pull out all the stops when it comes to packaging and promotion. And that means renovating. When times are tough,…

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Happy Employees Mean Happy Hotel Guests, Happier Hoteliers

22 Jan 2013

Search all you want and you’ll never find a job that doesn’t come with some degree of stress. As rewarding as it is, the hotel and hospitality business is no different. Hotel workers daily deal with wearied parents, cranky kids and on-edge business travelers – all of whom can make…

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New Year’s Resolutions for Hoteliers

27 Dec 2012
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The New Year is fast upon us, and many hoteliers are looking forward to a successful 2013. MDM Lodging offers a few New Year’s resolution suggestions to help ensure a prosperous coming year. Resolve to upgrade. MDM Lodging’s high-definition, flat-screen television sets are a huge step up in quality over…

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Ronald McDonald House Receives LG Televisions from MDM Lodging

21 Nov 2012

One of the nation’s largest dealers of hotel-grade televisions, Jacksonville-based MDM Lodging, has donated 30 guest-room television sets to Ronald McDonald House Charities® of Jacksonville. The local non-profit organization, working through Ronald McDonald House® and Ronald McDonald Family Room® programs, has provided compassionate support for families of critically ill, chronically…

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